Category: Welcome
Hits: 121918

Welcome, to all things Sylvan Hills.  We hope you are enjoying your association.  Two years ago, a group of Sylvan Hills High School alumni, talked about a better way to support our school.  We just wanted to give back to the school that gave us tools to succeed in our adult life.  The result of those conversations, is the SYLVAN HILLS HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION.  We are just alumni that understand that as a larger group, we may have better ways to support our school, than as an individual.  We know this is not for everyone, but we would love to have you if you have not joined.  Please look around, and if you have questions, let us know.  We are all alumni and would really like to visit with you and answer any questions you may have.  In the website you will find a listing of our officers, board of directors, mission statement, by-laws and other informational material.   We have members from the earliest years and younger alumni, that have chosen to join and make a difference.  Thanks for visiting and Go Bears!